Read a selection of the press about Mensa Heating
The Sunday Times (UK) selects IMUS as the best

The best low-energy patio heaters for the garden. MENSA HEATING IMUS is the ideal solution....
MENSA HEATING on TV in Australia

SKY NEWS - presenting MENSA HEATING on TV, live from the Melbourne Home Show, with MENSA HEATING Australia....
Click to viewDenmarks most viewed TV program

Known from TV
Denmarks most viewed TV program is called Hammerslag, a fantastic real estate program, where MENSA HEATING IMUS was well presented. ...
BO BEDRE - Danish lifestyle magazine

BO BEDRE Danish #1 lifestyle magazine writes about MENSA HEATING - IMUS in their July magazine. ...
Read more here...horecatnytt Norway - Keep guests warm!

Most of us have experienced to freeze outside in Norway. The firm Mensa Heating offers tables- and equipment with infrared heating - keeping guests warm also on cooler evenings....
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Imus i Bo & Miljø
Det nyeste er Mensa Heatings prisvinnende produkter som gir varme ved infrarøde stråler...

MENSA HEATING proudly handed over the award at SRA Mensa Heating was the sponsor of the International Sustainable Restaurant of the Year at this years SRA award. The winner of the award was Le...
Read more here...Prima Maison

Au Chaud. Idéal pour profiter des belles journées d'automne, ce pied de table chauffant s'éteint automatiquement grâce à un détecteur de présence. Plateau en option....
Read more here...MARKETING DE OBRAS

Las ondas de luz infrarroja generan calor corporal estimulando la vibración inofensivas de nuestras células. Mensa Heating aprovecha la energía de los infrarrojos para asegurar que el sistema natur...
Read more hereMENSA HEATING on TV

MAGAZINES - On n'est pas des pigeons, showing Mensa Heating's product and going through each of the products. ...
Watch the video onlineThe InvestorMidt Price

Mensa Heating winner of the InvestorMidt price
At "Veje Til Vækst in Herning, Mensa Heating won the prestigious InvestorMidt price 2012. The jury consisted ...
Boersen (Danish Finance news paper)

Going global with new outdoor heater.
Mensa Heating produces outdoor heaters and is fitting to get a foot inside the market.
The world is now opening up for the young Stig Bloch's inventi...
Smutvejen - DR P4 (Danish Radio)

MENSA HEATING visited DR P4 - Smutvejen (Radio)
Mensa Heating where invited as guest on P4 radio, to tell more about the new products. Listen to the podcast version from May 1 - 2013...
Danish Charity

Mensa Heating supports Danish Radio at charity
Mensa Heating supported DR1/P3's charity from Denmark with products for the winner of first price. 2 pcs. Omnis and 2 pcs. Vireoo...
Vi i Villa - Norway

Unique infrared patio heaters ideally suited to your porch, conservatory, camping mm. b> Norway Vireoo Pro is an infrared heating element integrated in the table. Vireoo Pro's stainless steel and...
Read more here...Prinsess Benedikte from the Royal family of Denmark

Her Royal Highness Princess Benedikte is impressed with Omnis
At Danish Design on Tour in Aachen, Germany, Princess Benedikte tested OMNIS and was very impressed. "Well, that's brilliant" -...
BoligLiv Nr. 6 (Danish lifestyle magazine)

Omnis in BoligLiv #6
Discreet patio heater No more large and clumsy gas heater on the terrace! The small Omnis patio heater fits under the garden table and ...
Horesta magazin

Horesta - Mensa Heating
Heat under the table, there are a number of electric infrared heaters on the Danish market, and one of the news for this season is a café table Vireoo...
Prima Maison

Au Chaud Idéal pour profiter des belles journées d'automne, ce pied de table chauffant s'éteint automatiquement grâce à un détecteur de présence. Plateau en option....
Read more here...Innovation Award 2010 (Spoga + Gafa)

Vireoo wins great award
Mensa Heating is proud to announce that the product Vireoo, won the 'Innovation Award 2010' by Spoga + Gafa fair in Cologne - Germany....