Awards & nominations

European Business Award
Adrian Tripp, CEO of the European Business Awards said: “Congratulations to MENSA HEATING, it is a great achievement to be named National Champion and we wish them luck in the next stage. The European Business Awards is going from strength to strength, inspiring businesses to greater success and helping to improve the competitive edge of companies across Europe.”SUPPORT US WITH YOUR VOTE HERE.
Mensa Heating wins The Innovation Awards 2014, at the 48'th Horecatel 2014 in Belgium, organized in collaboration with Hospitality Magazine. The hospitality industry each year eagerly look forward to the "Innovation Awards". Mensa Heating is really proud and thankful for the award!

InnovationSTORM 2013
Mensa Heaing was proudly nominated for the price of InnovastionSTORM 2013 in Denmark. Selected in the top 25.European Business Award 2013-2014
Mensa Heating is proudly nominated at the European Business Award 2013-2014, sponsored by RSM.

HoReCa Expo 2013 - Most innovative product
Mensa Heating is proud to announce, that we won the prestigious award of Most Innovative product at HoReCa Expo 2013 in Belgium.InvestorMIDT 2012
At "Veje Til Vækst in Herning, Mensa Heating won the prestigious InvestorMidt 2012 award. The jury consisted of Lars Larsen founder and owner of JYSK, Jesper Buch founder of Just-Eat and Christina Hembo founder at Christian Watches. Mensa Heating is very proud of this prestigious award!

LLGA – Reduce CO2 - Paris
Mensa Heating was nominated by LLGA to help reduce Co2 emission in Paris. After new regulations in France, and a government looking for more CO2 friendly solutions, Mensa Heating was nominated as a greener alternative to gas heaters. In Paris, Lyon and nearby cities, a new law is forbidding restaurant to use gas heaters, due to there high CO2 emission, a solution for this can be found within Mensa Heating's products!Most Innovative product - Spoga + Gafa
Vireoo wins great awardMensa Heating is proud to announce that the product Vireoo, won the 'Innovation Award 2010' by Spoga + Gafa fair in Cologne - Germany.